APA Style: 2.11 Text (Body). How to Format the First Page of the Text (on page 3)?

First of all, here’s an example of the start of a text.

When you start the main text of your research paper, make sure to insert a page break after page 2 by doing ctrl+enterat at the bottom of your abstract page (on page 2). Then, the main text that should start from page 3 will always start at page 3.


  1. The text starts on a new page after the title page (or abstract if there is an abstract).
  2. On the first line of the first page of the text, write the title of the paper in the following format:
    1. Title case
    2. Bold
    3. Centered
      1. Note, you can simply copy the title from the title page (page 1) and paste it at the top of page 3 assuming that the title on the title page was formatted appropriately (title case / bold / centered).
  3. The text should be
    1. Left-aligned (ctrl + L)
    2. Double-Spaced paragraphs (click the expander button, which is the red-marked button below, then choose Double under the Line spacing)
To do double-spacing click the above expander button, then (see below)
Choose the Double under the Line spacing option.
  • First line of each paragraph should be indented by 0.5 inch.
    • Hit the tab key once at the beginning of the first sentence if it was not indented automatically.

In case you use headings in the introduction including the top of page 3 (but after the title):

  • Do not start a new page
  • Do not add extra line breaks around the heading
    • Each Section of the text should follow the next without a break.

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